Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Scotty's Page (Part Two)

 (continued from here)

For a growing collection

Stay tuned for future link...

Stay tuned for future link...

Stay tuned for future link...

Stay tuned for future link...

Stay tuned for future link...

Stay tuned for future link...

Stay tuned for future link...

Stay tuned for future link...

Stay tuned for future link...

Stay tuned for future link...

Stay tuned for future link...

Stay tuned for future link...

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Scotty's Page

This tribute is now officially open.
I've kept the construction work to show its history.
April 28, 2015

Coming Soon:

The unveiling of a page dedicated to
Scotty Miller
who passed away
April 22, 2015

Due to limited time online
which included some Murphy's Law stuff with my library computer today
I was unable to make the progress I'd hoped to.
Not sure when I'll be back online again
but I hope to have some of my behind-the-scenes work up and running

Added to
April 28, 2015

Click on this link
to get to Scotty's official memorial site
Brown Butz Diedring Funeral Home.

Click on this link
to get to the first tribute I've written to Scotty.

It won't be my last,
because I know that there will be many times
when I think of Scotty
and will want to share my thoughts here.

Continuation of this ongoing tribute

Jillian's Journey


Once I get this finished, I'm going to post this on Facebook, Twitter, etc.  If you're reading this now, it means that I already have it up and running.  The project below will be coming up very soon, but Jillian's story won't be stopping with this.

I remember another young lady whose story was in the local news a little over 30 years ago, and people were being told about her.  About a year ago, I happened to meet one of her relatives by marriage (former marriage, as this relative was now divorced), and she hadn't kept up with the family that much, but she told me that Sharon Stohler (a name well-known here in Madison County) had survived her own childhood health issues (in her case, having to do with her heart) and had recently (at least, according to what she'd been told) even become a grandma!!!

Thirty years from now, I wonder what Jillian will be up to. 

For now, she's a courageous, young lady who would love to get lots of cards, letters, etc. for her upcoming 11th birthday, so her family and friends are trying to make this happen!  Please join this global birthday party!

Details below...and, after that, a couple of links that will keep you up with her progress even beyond that time!!!


Hello Fellow Supporters ,
We've seen it done before and we feel like trying it for our girl! Birthday cards from around the Globe!!
Jillian's 11th birthday is May 4th. We would like to challenge you two simple things, that would directly help Jillian's Journey.
BIRTHDAY CARDS!! That's right, we'd like EVERYONE to SEND a birthday card and THEN, SHARE THIS STATUS.
This is something that Jillian would have tangible, in her own hands. She'll be able to physically see the OUTPOURING OF LOVE from NEAR AND FAR!!
Doesn't that sound exciting?!!
Cards can be mailed to:
Jillian's Journey
PO Box 293
Yorktown, IN 47396
***PLEASE, send a card full of love. The world should see Jillian's fabulous smile. Each time this story is shared, there are two benefits. First Jillian meeting you, second you creating Jillian's infectious smile!
All of the birthday cards received will be presented to Jillian at the benefit chicken noodle dinner/ birthday bash being held on May 3, 2015 at Cross Roads United Methodist Church, located in Anderson Indiana. All are welcomed to attend!
We are eagarly trying to keep Jilliian's special smile on her face as she continues chemo and radiation treatments for Gliobastoma Multiforme (GBM) brain cancer.
For birthday card ideas, Jillian's favorite characters are Frozen (especially Olaf but she also likes Anna and Elsa), Little Mermaid, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and Tangled. She is also a fan of butterflies and dragonflies.
Thank you all for supporting Jillian on her journey! We encourage you all to share with your friends to follow her page here on Facebook, "Jillian's Journey"!

Here are the links to a couple of Jillian-related places...

Her special Facebook page:


Her site for progress reports and donation information:


It's now June 2, 2015, and I'm sharing a new website for Jillian...


Thank you for filling her mailbox!!!

P.S.  Jillian shares a birthday (more recent birth year, of course) with the late, great Dr. Warren C. Polhemus who assisted God with bringing me into the world on Friday, December 12, 1952.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"Speaking Of Betty Ann..." (Book Two)

This is a continuation of the part of my empowerment blog that I started for Betty HERE...

Stay tuned for more about Betty...

Larry's Page

!!!This is Larry Eugene "The CanMan" Van Ness!!!

Buy Digital Prints

and this is his own special page


As with Betty, I believe that Larry is one of those very special angels who has come into my life during challenging times and will  be somebody who will still be very special to me forever.

One difference, of course, between Larry and Betty is that I'm not crushing on Betty.  L L   ...

In the case of Larry, I want to make it clear that the crush didn't come first -- it came later after the admiration, so I'm not just somebody with a crush on some guy and that crush has clouded my thinking so that I think that what he does is wonderful. 

It's backwards from that:

I think that what he does is wonderful, so I've developed a very huge crush on him!!!

So, what exactly does Larry do?

For one thing, he loves to wave at people as they drive by his apartment house on North Broadway in North Anderson, Indiana.  The waving makes both the people who honk/wave/often blow kisses/sometimes, stop to see him/occasionally, even take his picture and him feel good.

For another thing -- what he sees (right up there neck-to-neck with the waving) as his calling in life -- he collects aluminum tabs to donate to Indiana's own Ronald McDonald House in Indianapolis neighboring Riley Children's Hospital.

Larry also donates recyclables to local schools (Liberty Christian School and Valley Grove Elementary are his two main schools as of this writing on Tuesday, April 21, 2015) to help them with fundraising and other aspects of education.

Anyway, I'll be adding to this page often, but I want to include a couple of my most current writings about him here today...



This is enough to write for now, but Larry's page will keep on being added to, so please return and look for new additions!

(to be continued)...

I've recently gotten online at home -- which means that I will have more options for times when I can get online.  I'll fill you in on the progress re: getting situated at a later time, but I wanted to go ahead and add my latest Larry post that I made at Bubblews a few days ago (when I still wasn't connected at home):


Sometime tonight, Larry and I will be talking, and I'll find out how many tabs away he is from his 11th million.  When I talked to him last night (which would have been the first day of August), he was 282,760 tabs away.  He hopes to have reached 11,000,000 by sometime in late November before the Christmas open house at Ronald McDonald House that will be on December 1 of this year.

(to be continued)...

Monday, April 6, 2015

"Speaking Of Betty Ann..."

UPDATE:  Tuesday, April 14, 2015!  I've decided to leave in all of the initial construction work so that you can see how this site develops...The construction below is ongoing but was begun on April 7, 2015 (also a Tuesday) although I was able to at least frame it a day earlier than that, which would have been my mom's 93rd birthday...


Construction work has begun on the page I'm making that is dedicated to an amazing woman!

You will be seeing a lot of activity on this page during the construction time, and it will continue to get added to in the time ahead...


"Speaking of Betty Ann..."

This catchy, little phrase that has become the title of this page is actually inspired by one of those old family stories that gets passed along -- this one being about Uncle Kermit (who is now 88 as I'm writing here on April 7, 2015 -- with his next birthday coming up on December 9 of this same year) back when he was a youth.

Suddenly, in the middle of some kind of conversation, he said, "Speaking of Betty Ann..." even though nobody was speaking of any Betty Ann at the time and it was more like my then love-struck uncle wanted to get the conversation focused on a certain Betty Ann.

Now, the Betty Ann to whom this page is dedicated isn't, of course, the same one whom Uncle Kermit wanted to become the topic of conversation, but she's really amazing -- like an angel in a human body!

It's interesting how things seem to happen at just the right time so many times.

For instance, how long it took me to get an apartment in Gillespie Tower in Muncie where I now live.

I remember how disappointed I was (and, especially, with the weather getting cooler and cooler and heading towards colder and colder) when there wasn't an immediate opening for an apartment in the building -- and that was one of the things that gave me a case of the blues on October 24, 2013.

But, had I gotten into an apartment then, I would have, probably, been moving some things over there and moving in on that day instead of going along North Broadway in Anderson and noticing a fuzzy-looking, little man on the west side of the street and ending up becoming good friends with him!

Just as he has done with so many others, Larry "The CanMan" Van Ness, lifted my spirits that day just by being himself!

In similar fashion, I kept coming so close other times to having an apartment there -- but I was unable to get to Muncie and claim it at those various times.

Then, one day, it all worked out, and I signed the lease on September 22, 2014 -- and, because it was the right time for this to take place, I ended up having Betty for a next-door neighbor, and she has truly been a blessing to me!

I'm not the only one who has been blessed by this amazing and wonderful woman -- but, when that moving van pulls out of here on May 1, that will mean that our seven-story neighborhood will be losing a beautiful saint of a neighbor, but her daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter down in Virginia will be having a very precious person living with them and making wonderful memories!!!

(to be continued...)

It's now Tuesday, April 14, 2015, and I'm going to be telling you what's going on with Betty.

As I mentioned previously, Betty will be leaving for Virginia soon.  Not only is she somebody who is wanting to be closer to her daughters and grandkids (living with her younger daughter, son-in-law, and youngest granddaughter), but, also, she will, likely, be needing a lot of help sometime in the future due to recently learning from her doctor that she shares more with Glen Campbell than trying a little kindness  (Betty is actually known for going way beyond trying a little kindness to practicing a lot of kindness and is an angel in an earthly body!).

But--even though she's a realist when it comes to the professional prognosis--she still believes that, with God, all things are possible and believes that the change-of-scenery will actually be helpful to her when it comes to how this challenging drama will play out in her life.

At this time, we're in the process of planning a going away party that will provide (her treat along with some chipping in by others) free party food & good, clean fun for her neighbors plus a few specially invited guests.

I'm not sure when I'll be back online again, but I'll let you know all about that party when I do!  It should be a really fun and memorable event!

(to be continued)...

It's April 21, and I've started working on this page again.  For starters, I want to share both the TinyURL with a preview here and the regular URL for this page...



That way, you can share the link to this page in whatever way you wish, depending on what kinds of space you have and other considerations.

Now, I'm going to be sharing this page on Twitter and on over into Facebook so you can be reading what I have so far, but I'm also going to be working on another part to go into it.  I managed to make it to the library early, and there are enough vacant computers that I believe I can stay online for the whole day and get things a bit caught up.  We'll see about that...

(to be continued)...

Here's an entry I made about Betty and finished a few minutes ago...


This might (or might not) be the last entry I make about Betty until she leaves on May 1 (the first time I get to a library after that, which, likely, won't be before May 4).  I hope you're enjoying the journey so far.  As a lot of this page has been taken up introducing her, I think I'm going to hook it to another page that will provide more links as I write them...

coming very soon, the next page of Speaking Of Betty Ann...

(to be continued)...

Betty's ongoing story continues HERE...