Thursday, January 29, 2015

Wonderful Update!!! Hope Happens!!!

Due to not having access to my own computer and Internet connection at this time, I have to depend on going somewhere such as a library to get online.  At this time of year, winter weather also factors in when it comes to even leaving my apartment building to make it as far as the Village Pantry a block away, much less, to the library.  Then, there are days when I have other things going on to where getting to the library is out-of-the-question.

In short, this is my first time to get to the library in 26 days (almost a month!), so Rose and I have been playing catch-up.

She shared a really sad picture with me, which I've shared here:

It shows one of the young slave-brides who ended up getting killed.

We've been messaging back and forth on Facebook, and she gave me some wonderful news that some of our girls had just been sponsored!!!

Here are there pictures!!!  How sad it would have been if they had ended up like the girl in the picture in the previous article instead!!!  Now, you can see why this mission is so important!!!


If this picture...

makes you any, some, or all of the following:

sad, sick, outraged, angry...

then, go here to find out more about how you can help.

The email address you will find included with the information both provides a place to ask questions and use as a PayPal contact for sending cash contributions.

All kinds of help is needed.  Even if you can't provide cash and/or supplies, you can share information about the mission, prayer costs nothing and neither do Tweets and other shares!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year From Rose!!! (The Story Continues...)

This is just an entry to let you know that Rose is a woman with a mission for sure!!!  In fact, she's not only setting goals for 2015 but, also, clear through 2020!!!

If you read what's contained in these links, you'll better understand why this is so important to her--along with those (such as myself) who are right there in her corner with her noising her around.

Now that you have read what's behing the links, please continue reading about her goals.

She has provided enough contact information for you to get in touch with her, so I hope you will -- as well as sharing this information with others.  There are so many ways and opportunities to help, so please seriously study this information and decide how you want to use it...
MIMUTIE Strategic Plan is for a term of 5 years commencing from 2015-2020. This Strategic Plan is the main working document of MIMUTIE, and it is derived from the experience and challenges of the pastoralist women in Tanzania on Basic Human Rights like; education, livelihood and development. The strategic plan has been developed to guide the planning and implementation processes of MIMUTIE programs over the five year period.MIMUTIE has been born of out of a great concern of income poverty and   general poor economic status of the pastoralist women due to the cultural system embedded in social organization system which puts the pastoralist women in the lowest social ladder in all matters ranging from education, human rights, economy and assets ownership rights. This strategic plan is aimed at implementing programs to address all the said concerns within the context of the pastoralist cultures. The programs will touch on ,education for girls, socio-economic empowerment, sustainable livelihoods, environment, Health prevention and care, Gender mainstreaming as well as address other challenges and problems in targeted communities of Tanzania. Through the operationalization of  the Strategic Plan 2015-2020, MIMUTIE will effectively contribute to the Education development, livelihood improvement, Economic empowerment of women, Social development, Environment care, and health care of the disadvantaged women.
The Strategic Plan 2015-2020 presents nine key intervention/thematical areas;
  • Enhance and Promote entrepreneurship among pastoralist women.
  • Empower women to participate fully in social and economic development process and plans for their own sustainable development.
  • Promote environmental conservation through development of climate change compliant strategies, facilitation of designing climate change mitigation and adaption strategies in order to enable pastoralists become resilient over climate change.
  • Strengthening network with the government, other organisations, institutions and the local community.
  • Promote awareness on the negative effects of FGM in pastoralist communities.
  • Promotion of education on land and human rights.
  • Promote improvement of reproductive health.
  • Promote awareness of and prevention of HIV/AIDS.
  • Promote innovative microfinance strategies.
The defined intervention strategies in the MIMUTIE Strategic Plan will be implemented as planned but in case of intervening circumstances which might necessitate some changes, relevant adjustments will be made to ensure the plan is well on track to enable the organization achieve its vision and mission .   
The document is divided into the following main sections:
1.   Introductory part which gives the background of MIMUTIE.
2.   Tanzania national context.
3.   Strategic objectives and the expected results.
4.   Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) strategy.
3.0.      Background Information
3.1.      Organizational Information
MIMUTIE is the Maasai traditional name meaning “it is never late” which can be interpreted as “better late than never”. The organization was founded on the philosophy that it is never late to do something to positively change the powerlessness and poverty situation of pastoralist women, who for centuries have been relegated to the lowest social status due to the male dominated social organization systems in the pastoralist communities. This means concretely that women being human beings just like men have the intellectual and volitional power to fully realize their full socio-economic development potentials given strategic empowerment through capacity building and formal education.
MIMUTIE aims to support the women empowerment process until women have the capacity socially, economically, politically and legally to bring about their own sustainable development through women managed development processes.  
MIMUTIE WOMEN ORGANIZATION(MWO) is a non-profit ,non-governmental, non partisan and non racial organization based in Arusha and Manyara Region. It is duly registered under Non-Governmental Organization Act, 2002 with Registration
NO. 00NGO/00001587 made on 9th may 2014.  Has no religious affiliation and was founded in June 2012.
The organization seeks to work with marginalized pastoralist women in East Africa starting with     northern Tanzania, Arusha and Manyara regions.First start will be, in Ngorongoro District especially in Loliondo division. We will extend gradually to other regions in Tanzania and beyond in the East African Region.  
Administratively the district is divided into three (3) divisions of Ngorongoro, Sale and Loliondo. The district has Twenty one (21) wards, Fifty five (55) villages and one hundred fifty one (155) sub-villages/hamlets. Loliondo division is the starting target of MIMUTIE which has eight (8) wards; 1. Oloirien Magaiduru, 2. Ololosokwan, 3. Soitsambu, 4. Oloipiri, 5. Orgosorok, 6. Enguserosambu, 7. Losoito/Maaloni and 8. Arash.  MIMUTIE has started to work at Arash village in Arash Ward.
3.2.      Vision
A society where pastoralist women are given the space to actualize their full human potentials for socio-economic development which fully respects human rights and gender equity.( kuwa na jamii ambayo wanawake wanapata nafasi ya kujiendeleza kiuchumi,kijamii na kisiasa kwa kuzingatia usawa wa kijinsia)
To provide education and socio-economic empowerment for the pastoral women in Tanzania through capacity building and active participation  and management of their own development processes.
3.3.       Objectives
In order to achieve the above stated Vision and Mission, MIMUTIE aims to achieve the following strategic objectives which were formulated from MIMUTIE Core Values:
4:3:1 General Objective:
Enhance access to socio-economic development opportunities by pastoralist women through promoting intellectual capabilities and protecting environment for all current and future use by 2020
 4:3:2  Specific Ojective:
1.   To enable the disadvantaged girl children to access better education for sustainable development.
2.   To process and disseminate appropriate information on environmental conservation and climate change as well as support developing climate change adaptation strategies.
3.   To support entrepreneurship and local capital development through establishing VICOBAS and microfinance services.
4.    To promote networking with like-minded local and international organizations, instutions, government and target communities.
5.   To enhance and support education on Female Genital Mutilation in pastoralist communities.
6.   To enhance education and awareness raising on reproductive health  and prevention of home preventable disease.
7.   To educate pastoralist women on land and human rights as promulgated in the national constitution.
8.   To improve livestock production and provide support on agriculture inputs.
9.   To support and assist pastoral communities to have access to clean and safe water.
10.         To strengthen the capacity of MIMUTIE to attain its strategic objectives for pastoralist development.
3.4.       Core Values.
MIMUTIE believes in the following;
§ Transparency.
§ Accountability.
§ Gender Equality.
§ Respect.
§ Sustainable development.
§ Team work
§ Networking
3.5.      National Context
 Tanzania has put in place various policies on socio-economic development to guide coordination of interventions by various actors as well as to promote the spirit of contributions from the citizens. The water policy, the policy on forest participatory management and the policy on community development all underscore the importance of active participation of target and beneficiary communities in the process of planning, implementation and monitoring of their own development activities. MIMUTIE bases its planning and implementation processes on these policies and thereby contributes to the implementation of the same.  
4.0.      Logical framework
MIMUTIE logical framework matrix details the interlinked interventions set to achieve general objective which will be attained through the achievement of 12 specific objectives and its corresponding expected results and activities. The logical framework matrix is the basis of the Monitoring and Evaluation system of MIMUTIE.
Project Description/Intervention Logic
Objectively of verifiable indicators
Sources or
means of verification
Overall Objective; Enhance access to socio-economic development opportunities by pastoralist women through promoting intellectual capabilities and protecting environment for all current and future use by 2020
Droughts do not pull back achieved development interventions.
Specific Objectives 1/outcomes
1:1 . To enable the disadvantaged girl children to access better education for sustainable development.
Number of girl children supported
·  Certificates, academic reports from schools..
beneficiary communities are ready to cooperate
Expected Results/outputs
1.1.1.    Better education is accessed by the disadvantaged girl children by 2020.
1.1.2.    Reduced number of unskilled pastoralist women by 2020.
1.1.3.    Well and better educated community women members of the pastoralist communities for present and future development.
1.1.4.    Education and training to disadvantaged girl children and women is enhanced.
·   Number of village meetings attended for advocacy.
·   Number of pupils enrolled in primary schools.
·   Number of Adult education classes established.
·   Number people joining Adult Education Programs.
·   Number of girls Supported for education.
·   Number of early pregnant girls supported to complete their education.
·  Activity report.
·  School registers.
·  Adult education programs reports.
communities are ready to invest education of their children
Activities; support pastoralist girl students  from poor families to meet education costs at secondary and college levels..  support women adult education programs through the organized income generating groups.
Specific Objective 2/Outcome
1.       2.1. To process and disseminate appropriate information on environmental conservation and climate change as well as support developing climate change adaptation strategies.
Number of training sessions held.
·  Training reports
climate change does not work against efforts on conservation
Expected Results/outputs
2.1.1.    Strategic conservation promoted for environmental protection by 2020.
2.1.2.    Resilience over climate change and adaptation strategies is prioritised by 2020.
2.1.3.    Natural resources management, planning, friendly use monitoring and conservation is enhanced by 2020.
·   Number of training sessions conducted.
·   Behavioural change practices noted on the better use of local recourses.
·   Number of climate change adaptations interventions.
·   Number of water sources protected.
·   Number of Success stories documented.
·   Training reports
·   Good practices noted and documented
·   Work reports.
·   Success stories documented
Activities   To promote environmental protection through training and awareness raising.   To develop community-centred early warning strategy for climate change resilience.   To enhance the local pastoralists resilience over climate change.   To train the community on better natural resources planning, friendly use monitoring and conservation.   To facilitate initiation of forestation programs.   To plan, train and construct demonstrative tanks for local fuel(biogas)    To reduce deforestation by introducing  the use of   local fuel (Bio gas) at  household
.   To train and practice on the protection of available water sources   To train communities on climate change and coping strategies
Specific Objective 3.
1.     To support entrepreneurship and local capital development through establishing VICOBAS and microfinance services.
·   Number of groups trained.
·   Number of members of women managed VICOBAS.
·   Total capital of all groups
Ø Group report.
Ø Training reports.
women groups are able to function well and stay in the groups
Expected Results/outputs
3.1.1.    Increased access by women groups to microcredit services by 2020.
3.1.2.    Village Community Banks are initiated and strengthened to enable them generate local capital for capitalization of members’ businesses by 2020.
3.1.3. Number of Entrepreneurial women groups and individuals has increased.
3.1.4. Pastoralist community livelihoods system is diversified.
·   Number of training sessions conducted.
·   Number of entrepreneurial groups meetings conducted.
·   Number of businesses established.
·   Number of women having access to credits.
·   Number of VICOBAS established.
Ø  Training report
Ø  BDS reports.
Ø  Success stories documented.
repayments are done on time and no bad debts from defaulters recorded
Activities  Facilitations of group’s formation.  Training in groups dynamics, governance and leadership  6Training women on the Village Community Bank model for savings and credit as a sustainable strategy for mobilizing capital from local sources for capitalizing micro-businesses  To link women groups with relevant markets for their diversified businesses.
Specific Objective 4
4.1.  To promote networking with like-minded local and international organizations, institutions, government and target communities
·         Number of organizations linked with MIMUTIE
list of organizations either partnering with or linked with MIMUTIE
Expected Results/outputs
4.1.  Networking with institutions and other development agencies is enhanced by 2020.
·   Number of institutions networked.
·   Number of participatory decision making sessions done.
·   Number of pastoralist needs representations interventions made.
·   Number of M&E visits conducted.
operational Reports
4.1.1.  To design and reinforce linkage and networking with other with other institutions.
4.1.2.  To create ,strengthen and update the data base of relevantly resourced/technical people outside and within the community for relevant solutions to the pastoral problems and needs.
Strategic Objective 5
5.1.    To enhance and support education on Female Genital Mutilation in pastoralist communities
Expected Results/outputs
5.1.1.      Better knowledge of pastoralist communities on negative effects of FGM is achieved by 2020.
5.1.2.      Lobbying and advocacy strategy on FGM is developed and Strengthened by 2020.
·      % of target groups who are knowledgeable of the harms of FGM.
·      Number of people reached out in the training and campaign meetings.
·      Number of study tours conducted to Kenya where FGM is progressively being reduced.
·      Number of child children who have not been subjected to FGM.
·      Number of training sessions conducted.
Work reports
Activities  To conduct study tours to learn of successful strategies against FGM in Kenya.  To train in female reproductive system and health.  To conduct workshops for  both men and women to discuss the FGM problem.  To conduct training for the development of Lobbying and Advocacy strategy on FGM.  To identify organizations that can give external support in the training and Lobbying and Advocacy.  To make research  and document terrible stories of the negative effects of FGM and use them in the L&A processes.
Strategic Objective 6
6.1 To enhance education and awareness raising on reproductive health  and prevention of home preventable disease
Number of  people reached
Training reports.
Expected Results/outputs
6:2 Knowledge on reproductive health is improved among pastoralist women by 2020
6:2  knowledge on prevention of home preventable disease is enhanced by 2028.
·         Number of group’s members trained.
·         Number of individuals practicing learned skills on prevention of diseases.
training reports
6:2:1 To increase capacity of women to understand and prevent simple and home preventable diseases through hygiene and other skills.
6:2:2To train in the diseases that can be prevented at household level through learning simple skills and using simple local materials and technologies..
6:2:3To train in women reproductive health.
Strategic Objective 7
7.1 To educate pastoralist women on land and human rights as promulgated in the national constitution
No of women who can describe their land and human rights in the Tanzanian context.
Expected Results/Outcome
7:1 Knowledge of women on land and human rights is improved
7:2 Women ‘s ability to articulate their rights in the pastoralist communities is enhanced
No of trained women
No of women able to articulate their land and human rights
training reports
operational reports
2.    Training women on land rights based on the Village Land Act of 1999
3.    Training in human rights according to the new constitution
Strategic Objective 8
8: To improve livestock production and provide support on agriculture inputs
Quality of agriculture and livestock production
Agriculture inputs.
Improved livestock breeds distributed
Expected Results/Outputs
8:1The community is empowered with agricultural skills by 2020.
8:2 Agriculture schemes are improved by 2020.
8:3  Agriculture inputs and improved livestock production are enhanced by2020. 
·     Number of community interventions conducted
·     Number of agriculture inputs supporting mechanism made.
·     Number of livestock improved and distributed.
·     Number of beneficiaries benefited.
·     Quality of agricultural production
·     Quality of livestock production.
Intervention sessions
Agriculture inputs.
Livestock breeds.
Agriculture and livestock production.
4.    To conduct 26 training sessions on modern agricultural and livestock practices.
5.     To purchase, isolate and distribute evenly improved breeds of livestock for effective livestock.
6.    To conduct training on improved pastoral habitats.
7.    To conduct study tour in Kenya/ or elsewhere in east Africa for physical learning on improved pastoral habitats.
8.    To establish 15 improved houses for better houses reinforcement.
9.    To conduct baseline on the number of health and water facilities available versus the number of people accessing them.
10.  To conduct mainstreaming sessions on the effective use of safe water (water policy) and health care services.
11.  To drill 3 borehole wells and construct 3 cattle troughs
12.  To conduct 46 sessions on health prevention and care.
Strategic Objective 9
9:1 To support and assist pastoral communities to have access to clean and safe water.
 Strategic objective
 9:1 Water access is improved in one three villages.
1.    Identifying possibilities of water development.
2.    Organize community contributions to the project.
3.    Training water management and conservation of water catchment forests.
Strategic objective 10
10:1 strengthen the capacity of MIMUTIE to attain its strategic objectives for pastoralist development.
Expected result/outcome
10:1:1 The management and organizational capacity of MIMUTIE has been improved.
1.  Training all the MIMUTIE staff on organizational management and development.
2.  Training in project planning and  management.
3.  Training in fund raising skills.
4.  Training in monitoring and evaluation.
5.  Training in financial management.
6.  Training in the use of computers for management  and processing of management information.
7.  Study tours to other areas where likeminded organizations are operating women development programs(e.g MWEDO)
In order to monitor properly the implementation of the strategic plan a clear monitoring and evaluation system will be developed and internalized within the MIMUTIE management system. This will entail monitoring of the activities and results, which emanate from the actions taken towards reaching the mission of MIMUTIE.
Monitoring and evaluation will be based on internal system through progressive reports, review meetings, planning sessions and follow up visits at the sites of implementation. External evaluation, both midterm and end of term will be held.
Standardized progress reports will form the major part of monitoring mechanisms, which will be implemented at all levels in order to capture and document results and progress of the entire of MIMUTIE management system.